Here’s a list of Albert Schweitzer quotes on love, all for you!
44. “The highest proof of the spirit is love. Love the eternal thing which can already on earth possess as it really is.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
45. “We all know how important love is, yet how often is it really emoted or exhibited? What so many sick people in this world suffer from – loneliness, boredom, and fear- can’t be cured with a pill.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
46. “If you love something so much let it go. If it comes back it was meant to be; if it doesn’t it never was.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
47. “Does my behavior in respect of love affect nothing? That is because there is not enough love in me.”
– ‘Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology’, 1947.
48. “Love is the only thing that increases twofold every time it is shared.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
49. “To think out in every implication the ethic of love for all creation… this is the difficult task which confronts our age.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
50. “Profound love demands a deep conception and out of this develops reverence for mystery of life. It brings us close to all beings, to the poorest and smallest as well as all others.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
51. “Only by means of reverence for life can we establish a spiritual and humane relationship with both people and all living creatures within our reach.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
52. “Don’t let your hearts grow numb. Stay alert. It is your soul which matters.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
Albert Schweitzer Quotes About God And Religion
Here’s a comprehensive list of Albert Schweitzer quotes on religion and God.
53.”Only through love can we obtain communion with God.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
54. “He who does not reflect his life back to God in gratitude does not know himself.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
55. “In order to make the Kingdom of God a practical reality, it was necessary for Him to dissociate it from all the forces of this world, and to bring morality and religion into the closest connexion.”
– ‘The Quest of The Historical Jesus’, 1906.
56. “Jesus was called to throw himself on the wheel of world history, so that, even though it crushed him, it might start to turn in the opposite direction.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
57. “At that point in life where your talent meets the needs of the world, that is where God wants you to be.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
58. “Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not true religion or philosophy.”
– Albert Schweitzer.
59. “This is the only sense in which Jesus thinks of the Kingdom as present. He does not ‘establish it.’ He only proclaims its coming. He exercises no ‘Messianic functions’, but waits, like others, for God to bring about the coming of the Kingdom by supernatural means.”
– ‘The Quest of the Historical Jesus’, 1906.